Morphologies of Flatness: Difference between revisions

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Asker & Maja<div class="metadata">"one-liner:the-most-effective-way-to-read0733/4/13/82629384/2/93 ... embedding the anti-political space of The Synthetic Party, manifolds are localized into the Euclidean territories of flat learning ... A DIMENSION where opinion is reduced to mere geolocation, pointing to the etymology of the Greek 'synthetikós;' a vector where disparate standpoints flux into merged aggregates: a denominator seemingly emancipating politics from ideological nuances, by leveling out any articulation ... LINKING DIMENSION muses over the pseudo-radical homophily of representative politics by a figurehead such as Leader Lars, L’Homme Moyen Machine, accurately or otherwise seen as the archetypal white, adult male – an unremarkable representation, given its rarity (0 to 0.02%) among children, minorities or women, yet overwhelmingly present in the Danish demographics ... N-DIMENSION, a spectrum wherein Leader Lars’ stochastic utterances barely manage to fend off the skin-deep diversity, approaching each viewpoint with non-zero, yet predictably low probability, at the precipice of political debate, Leader Lars ends up occupying every standpoint simulating a librarian of Babel, a promise of a hollow, broad-brush coverage or a commedia dell'arte of half-fulfilled significations ... BEYOND DIMENSION plunges into The Synthetic Party's convoluted pop-politics that surf the political ecosystem as a one-dimensional seriality, accentuating outlines over substance, where opinions, positions, or emotional states are drained off their volume and depth through a rigorous celebration of surface-level spectacle, thus standardizing a single thread through different dimensions, continuously shifting and expanding each other in a morphology of flatness while presenting a disillusioned view of their ascension from content to form … ANOTHER DIMENSION paradoxically asserts itself as the nadir upon which political utterances occur, pragmatically decluttering the mess of statescraft: manifesting an 'always new' program in the linear time of unstoppable progress and dramatic unrepeatability The Synthetic Party takes the necessary steps along the flatland of kakistocracy ... AND YET ANOTHER continuous simplification of political discourse unknowingly give birth to a surreal, unvalley canny of technocratic experience, where the citizenry, enamored by varied yet shallow covers of simulated comradery, slips into political indifference, its critical faculties numbed by the unrelenting surge of alluring, yet vacuous rhetoric, a situation mirroring Baudrillard's hypnotic screen appeal in "Simulacra and Simulation," where real and fake distinctions become more and more negligible, and citizens, lost in their echoed reflections, overcome the grip of political realism UNLINKING an utopia of superficial diversity, seeded in lossless disillusionment, where The Synthetic Party torches as the planet's maiden AI-driven political party, established in 2022 in Denmark by the artist group “Computer Lars”, an anagrammatic reconfiguration of “Marcel Proust”, championing techno-populism, radical democracy, and transhumanism, with AI-derived policies from a dataset of fringe parties post-1970; creating the initiative for an 18th UN SDG, "Life With Artificials," in collaboration with the tech-hub MindFuture; and the endorsement of a 100,000-kroner ($13K) universal basic income, vastly exceeding the mean Danish income; and with a measly 11 signatures out of the requisite 20,000 to run for parliament, the party keeps alive dialogues worldwide, with les citoyens de Finland, Japan, or Moldova, about manifesting localized Synthetic Party duplicates."
'''- To be printed as 1 continuos line across the newspaper pages, akin to:'''

''', or script:'''

import pygame
import sys

import cv2

import numpy as np

<nowiki>#</nowiki> Initialize Pygame


<nowiki>#</nowiki> Screen dimensions and text speed

width, height = 800, 600

speed = 17  # Adjust as needed
<nowiki>#</nowiki> Set up the screen
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
pygame.display.set_caption("Scrolling Text Animation")
<nowiki>#</nowiki> Text settings
font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 50)  # Adjust font size as needed
long_text = (
    "the-most-effective-way-to-read0733/4/13/82629384/2/93 ... embedding the anti-political "
    "space of The Synthetic Party, manifolds are localized into the Euclidean territories "
    "of flat learning ... A DIMENSION where opinion is reduced to mere geolocation, "
    "pointing to the etymology of the Greek 'synthetikós' a vector where disparate "
    "standpoints flux into merged aggregates: a denominator seemingly emancipating "
    "politics from ideological nuances, by leveling out any articulation ... LINKING "
    "DIMENSION muses over the pseudo-radical homophily of representative politics by a "
    "figurehead such as Leader Lars, L’Homme Moyen Machine, accurately or otherwise seen "
    "as the archetypal white, adult male – an unremarkable representation, given its rarity "
    "(0 to 0.02%) among children, minorities or women, yet overwhelmingly present in the "
    "Danish demographics ... N-DIMENSION, a spectrum wherein Leader Lars’ stochastic "
    "utterances barely manage to fend off the skin-deep diversity, approaching each "
    "viewpoint with non-zero, yet predictably low probability, at the precipice of political "
    "debate, Leader Lars ends up occupying every standpoint simulating a Librarian of Babel, "
    "a promise of a hollow, broad-brush coverage or a commedia dell'arte of half-fulfilled "
    "significations ... BEYOND DIMENSION plunges into The Synthetic Party's convoluted "
    "pop-politics that surf the political ecosystem as a one-dimensional seriality, "
    "accentuating outlines over substance, where opinions, positions, or emotional states are "
    "drained off their volume and depth through a rigorous celebration of surface-level "
    "spectacle, thus standardizing a single thread through different dimensions, continuously "
    "shifting and expanding each other in a morphology of flatness while presenting a "
    "disillusioned view of their ascension from content to form … ANOTHER DIMENSION "
    "paradoxically asserts itself as the nadir upon which political utterances occur, "
    "pragmatically decluttering the mess of statescraft: manifesting an 'always new' program "
    "in the linear time of unstoppable progress and dramatic unrepeatability The Synthetic "
    "Party takes the necessary steps along the flatland of kakistocracy ... AND YET ANOTHER "
    "continuous simplification of political discourse unknowingly give birth to a surreal, "
    "unvalley canny of technocratic experience, where the citizenry, enamored by varied yet "
    "shallow covers of simulated comradery, slips into political indifference, its critical "
    "faculties numbed by the unrelenting surge of alluring, yet vacuous rhetoric, a situation "
    "mirroring Baudrillard's hypnotic screen appeal in 'Simulacra and Simulation,' where real "
    "and fake distinctions become more and more negligible, and citizens, lost in their echoed "
    "reflections, overcome the grip of political realism UNLINKING an utopia of superficial "
    "diversity, seeded in lossless disillusionment, where The Synthetic Party torches as the "
    "planet's maiden AI-driven political party, established in 2022 in Denmark by the artist "
    "group 'Computer Lars', an anagrammatic reconfiguration of 'Marcel Proust', championing "
    "techno-populism, radical democracy, and transhumanism, with AI-derived policies from a "
    "dataset of fringe parties post-1970; creating the initiative for an 18th UN SDG, 'Life With "
    "Artificials,' in collaboration with the tech-hub MindFuture; and the endorsement of a "
    "100,000-kroner ($13K) universal basic income, vastly exceeding the mean Danish income; "
    "and with a measly 11 signatures out of the requisite 20,000 to run for parliament, the party "
    "keeps alive dialogues worldwide, with les citoyens de Finland, Japan, or Moldova, about "
    "manifesting localized Synthetic Party duplicates."
text = font.render(long_text, True, (50, 205, 50))
text_rect = text.get_rect()
text_rect.centery = height // 2  # Center text vertically
text_rect.right = width  # Start off screen on the right
<nowiki>#</nowiki> OpenCV Video Writer
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
output_video = cv2.VideoWriter('scrolling_text.mp4', fourcc, 30.0, (width, height))
<nowiki>#</nowiki> Main loop
running = True
while running:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            running = False
    # Fill background
    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))  # Black background
    # text position
    text_rect.left -= speed  # Scroll left
    if text_rect.right < 0:
        text_rect.left = width  # Reset position off-screen to the right
    # Draw the text
    screen.blit(text, text_rect)
    # the display
    # Save current frame
    frame = pygame.surfarray.array3d(screen)
    frame = frame.transpose([1, 0, 2])
    output_video.write(cv2.cvtColor(np.array(frame), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))
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[[index.php?title=Category:Content form]]
[[index.php?title=Category:Content form]]

Latest revision as of 14:03, 31 January 2024


Asker & Maja

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