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'''Initial set-up:

Command to check your OS, for this project we will be using Armbian:
Command to check your OS, for this project we will be using Armbian:

Revision as of 12:15, 1 February 2024

Initial set-up:

Command to check your OS, for this project we will be using Armbian:

$ cat /etc/os-release

Download mediawiki:

$ wget

Unzip the tar:

$ tar -xzvf mediawiki-*.tar.gz

MediaWiki requires:

- PHP 7.4.3+

- a webserver software

- and either MariaDB 10.3.0+, MySQL 5.7.0+, SQLite 3.8.0+ or PostgreSQL 10.0+. Using MariaDB or MySQL is recommended as Wikipedia uses MariaDB.

Install PHP:

$ sudo apt-get install php-fpm

Check the version:

$ php -v

Check the version of nginx:

$ nginx -v

Install database software (MariaDB):

$ sudo apt-get install mariadb-server

Set up nginx configuration to serve the wiki. Here’s an example nginx configuration:

Make a symbolic link (symlink) between the configurations in /sites-available and /sites-enabled:

$ ln sites-available/wiki2print.conf sites-enabled/wiki2print.conf

First, check if the nginx configuration works, before reloading:

$ nginx -t

If it works, hold your breath and reload nginx:

$ sudo systemctl reload nginx


$ service nginx reload

Edit the wiki2print.conf file, based on this example:

Enable PHP. Installing some PHP extensions are required:

$ sudo apt install php-mbstring

$ sudo apt install php-xml

$ sudo apt install php-intl

$ sudo apt install php my-sql

Install image magick:

$ sudo apt install imagemagick

On the MariaDB/Mysql settings:

- create user

- not advised to create root user (the password on LocalSettings.php is stored in plain text)

$ mariadb

$ CREATE USER print@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'XXX';

Create database called wiki. Documentation reference:


Grant access to the user (called print) for this database (called wiki). The "*" is to give access to all tables.

$ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wiki.* TO 'print'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;

Check that access is granted.

Copy the LocalSettings.php from the database set up into server put in www site root folder.

$ cd /var/www/

$ ls -lha

(What does -h do? It makes the file sizes human readable)

Install PHP-FPM:

$ sudo apt-get install php7.3-fpm

$ service php8.1-fpm status

Media wiki install nginx:


$ chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/wiki2print

chmod -R 755 /var/www/wiki2print

Install flask in /opt/

$ cd /opt/

$ git clone

$ cd wiki-to-print

and again

$ cd wiki-to-print

(Do we want to do it in a virtual environment?)

Make a virtual environment:

$ python3 -m venv venv

You now have a folder called "venv".

Activate the venv:

$ source venv/bin/activate

$ pip3 install flask

$ pip3 install bs4

$ pip3 install gunicorn

The flask application programme is in with routes to different parts of wiki-to-print

edit config:

   nano config.json