Following the idea of "boilerplate code" which is written to be reused, we like to think of wiki-to-print as a boilerplate as well, instead of thinking of it as a product, platform or tool. The code that is running in the background emerged through a continuum of wiki-printing practices, including Varia's wiki-to-print, Hackers and Designers' wiki2print, TITiPI's wiki-to-pdf made by Martino Morandi, the work on the book Volumetric Regimes by Possible Bodies and Manetta Berends, and the work on the book DiVersions by OSP.
Following the idea of "boilerplate code" which is written to be reused, we like to think of wiki-to-print as a boilerplate as well, instead of thinking of it as a product, platform or tool. The code that is running in the background emerged through a continuum of wiki-printing practices, including Varia's wiki-to-print, Hackers and Designers' wiki2print, TITiPI's wiki-to-pdf made by Martino Morandi, the work on the book Volumetric Regimes by Possible Bodies and Manetta Berends, and the work on the book DiVersions by OSP.