Rachel - Triadic

This page was last edited on 1 February 2024, at 10:13.
Revision as of 10:13, 1 February 2024 by Xocffoeg (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<div class="metadata"> ==Triadic configurations: form over content, or towards a porous collective research seeding exercise== '''Rachel Falconer''' </div> The figurations of positioniality, nascent research as vulnerable, malleable forms of discursive material ready for communal remix, moulding, seeding and minor mirror transgressions. The workshop as an event lingering on public presentation and confessional vulnerabilities as the presenter stakes their claim within...")
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The figurations of positioniality, nascent research as vulnerable, malleable forms of discursive material ready for communal remix, moulding, seeding and minor mirror transgressions.

The workshop as an event lingering on public presentation and confessional vulnerabilities as the presenter stakes their claim within the micro-network of co-presenters and designated mediator ( stone cold sober and ready to gather and collate the disparate-yet-connected FORM_CONtent flows of ordered consciousness).

Hyperconnected, metadata doubling, linking, shrinking and contributions ripe for comments and walled entry points to transmutability. Syntax stories and In-the-grid building of sensational alter_otherWise infrastructures.

Constraints, Monday unpicking, rotating of entry points and the presence of an omnipresent server that loyally yet fallibly serves and yet is served tenderly by the group. Parasitical infrastructures promising to provide more equitable frameworks for the transmission of research artefacts within nostalgic DIWO logics of burning desires for the collective dynamic to manifest.

Sustainable. Research. Practices. This triad of convulsive impulses refuse the REFable immutable objects of academic prestige and in the same breath promise to sprint and collectively assemble towards the NEWSpaper thin space of collapse. Positing. Countering/ regimes of academic publishing, triangulating the work-in-process, the half cooked or malformed thoughts built upon thoughts, theories of theory and the logging and hoarding of systems of alliance and emancipation away from dominant knowledge production and hidden hierarchical systems of review. Feels fresh, feels less than formulaic.

The comments are the body, the embodiment, the entities of research in full apologetic yet generative performance, or under sets of radical constraints that convulsively produce produce produce.

The print, the imprint, the matter of print, or print that matters ... other or more than formulaic dissemination. Form as/through/with content.

The sharing of the organisational space is rarely equitable but the collective of collectives, the burning holes in the discomfort of distributed tendencies may shine through. Conversations that become served by servers, familial collective voices that merge into one that are then almost immediately spun through the distributed impulse of relinquishing sole ownership and loosely holding narratives as public access, public property, through albeit hidden mole runs of labour hiding in the shadows as the pathways to generative spaces of publication begin to circle through their own logics of emergence.

Research as mutable object of availability, as fragile artefacts of high stakes demand. The opening and closing of accounts, as modes of modulated access and distribution as form once again takes a grip over content. Building upon buildings. Structures upon structures. Where should our scattered and disparate attention be lodged, is there a fixed abode for reconciling disengaging from hardware dominance, proprietary and finding structures of referral and commentary through the acceptance that Form as Content credits all but none. A deeper accreditation, a fixed acceptance that there is no address, to frame this research in motion?