
This page was last edited on 31 January 2024, at 11:38.
Revision as of 11:38, 31 January 2024 by Marie Naja (talk | contribs)


Cites works:

Baudrillard, J. (1995). The Gulf War did not take place. Indiana University Press.

Benjamin, W. (2008). The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction (J. A. Underwood, Trans.). Penguin Books.

Hirschhorn, T. (2015)

Rosler, M. (1967-72). House Beautiful: Bringing the war home

Steyerl, H. (2013). In defence of the poor image. Konteksty, 67(3), 101-105.

Steyerl, H. (2009). Documentary Uncertainty,