Talk:Morphologies of Flatness

This page was last edited on 17 January 2024, at 19:11.
Revision as of 19:11, 17 January 2024 by Erizo (talk | contribs) (strange = something is obsolete)
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I think the term homophilia is fantastically well chosen. I haven't seen it summarised like that before, but it explains a lot. Could you tell me how it came up in your head? I also love the term kakitocracy <3 Such an elegant way of saying what everybody thinks!

I was not able to understand every meaning in the text. Also I had to ask google what this party is. Everything gives me a very strange feeling. I love it when something gives me this feeling of weirdness. As Mark Fisher said: "Strangeness is an indication that the concepts and frameworks we have previously employed have become obsolete".